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5 reasons to choose campsite for your next holidays

2 de Mai de 2019

1-I want to be FREE!

We do not have time for anything, the hours outside the office are few and we have many things to do? In this life we ​​are always in a hurry and with little time for us … what we want to do during our (deserved) holidays … is stopping our routine and doing things we like most, without schemes, without hours and without pre-established plans. There is nothing better than going camping to avoid schedules, in the middle of nature and … without plans, but with plenty of options!

2-The perfect place for children (and for parents too!)

The truth is that camping for children is an amusement park! And best of all, it is for parents too! They can leave their children in a safe place, letting them play with other children of all countries and have fun. What else can you ask for?



3.I want to get lost in the beauty of nature

„Disconnecting“ from the routine, is what most people want when they go on holyday (although you can see them on Instagram at all times). But … what better place a camping to disconnect and be in contact with nature? No matter if it’s a   beach or a mountain … you know that what you will not miss is nature,.You will wake  up in the middle of nowhere with the birds singing!  That is really  priceless!

  1. I don’t want a timetable!

On a campsite the schedules are what you decide! It is not a hotel, you do not have a lunch schedule, breakfast or dinners times.. You can just decide! And you feel like at home, you do not have to go out every day and spend a lot of money, you can make some meals with Friends almost every day?


  1. I want to take my pet on holidays with me

There are already a lots o campsites (and they are always more) that allow you to go on holiday with your pet! Forget your dog’s sad eyes when you leave him in a pet residence, and imagine the happiness of running in the fields or why not … on the beach (there are many beaches nowadays that allow pets getting in) and having a super bath with your dog!


And there are many other reasons to go camping, What about yours?


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